Business financing can work for you on obtaining store equipment and supplies. Financing is the ideal choice to help you with purchasing large equipment and retail fixtures without having a negative effect on your cash flow. Purchase the items you need to have your place ready in time for the opening, minus the stress!
- Low Upfront Acquisition Cost: Leasing requires only a small, manageable monthly payment. All equipment, services, delivery, and miscellaneous costs can be wrapped into the same lease.
- Conserve Working Capital: Equipment Leasing can ease the strain on working capital. Clients can continue to leverage their current lines of credit at other financial institutions for emergency needs, current cash flow purposes, investments, and other profit generating activities, while acquiring the equipment they need.
- Low Monthly Payments: Leasing arrangements range from 24 months, where the equipment is generally depreciated, to up to 60 months, where the monthly payment is generally deducted as an operating expense.
- Tax Savings: When structured properly, lease payments are 100% deductible for tax purposes, resulting in a lower after-tax cost than conventional financing or outright purchasing.
- All Credit Types